That light IS getting brighter
No, I wasn't referring to "that" when I last wrote ... but with this entry, I am:

After 25 cycles unsuccessful cycles, it seems that we finally grabbed that brass ring on this one. And we did it on our own. No fertility medications. No clinical procedures. No poking and prodding. (Pardon the pun!)
I don't think a word exists to describe how I'm feeling at the moment.
I was honestly reaching a point where I was having serious doubts about being pregnant again, and during the cycle when I least expect it to happen, it happens. Our chances were the same as all the past failed cycles, so I'm not sure what was different this time that magically made it happen.
It's still very early, so I'm hoping this little jellybean sticks and winds up healthy. I think I just signed on for the ride of my life, regardless of the outcome, so I'm hanging on tight.
Very deep breaths and tightly crossed fingers.