Ryan was here ...

My not-so-sweet nothings, mostly comprised of my feelings at losing my two-day-old son, Ryan David, to congenital heart defects, and to celebrate the arrival of Ryan's healthy little sister, Megan Elizabeth, and hopefully welcome another little miracle into our brood in July 2010.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Not again!

I'm slowly losing my patience with the world and its willingness to accept and embrace the illegitimate - or staged - pregnancies of the stars.

The latest stars to rub my nose in the "I'm going to have a baby and you aren't" dirt are/is "Brangelina."

Once again, my initial reaction is, "Fuck."

Yes, I do take news like this a little personally, even though I know it technically has nothing to do with me whatsoever. But, the media - whether the form be television, radio, newspaper, or the internet - all but chokes me with this supposed newsworthy fodder and I'm so sick of it. Now I can understand why a person would want to become a recluse and shut out the bizarre outside world!

Why is it that couples in non-committed, fleeting relationships have a night of sloppy, unprotected sex, and WHAM!, they're blessed with a child? Am I the only person who sees the unfairness in situations like this? And, celebrities seem to condone this sort of lifestyle and shun the traditional values which families should be built upon.

Yes, this is my opinion of how the world should be. Just as it's my opinion that my baby should still be alive.

But, regardless of the circumstances which led to this new life being created, I am genuinely hoping that his or her arrival into this world is uncomplicated and healthy.

And, now a honking fever blister the size of Texas has erupted at the corner of my mouth.



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