This is not what I intended or expected from my ranting entry from a few days ago. I was having a horribly emotional day and decided to vent about what was bothering me. I obviously struck an unintentional nerve or two, but I don't think a public lynching is going to solve anything - regardless of which side of the argument you're defending.
I realize that many of you who read blogs regularly feel that you get a true sense of the writer from the words they share. And, while that is true in many ways, a certain amount of mystery remains. I'd hate to be defined solely by what I choose to share here, when there is far more to me and my life than what is contained within these entries. There are many things I don't share here for a variety reasons, whether they be too personal or private a matter or just trivial ramblings, but those situations still affect me and my moods. And, whether the readers of this blog are privy to those other circumstances or not shouldn't matter.
My grief over losing Ryan and my sadness at dealing with unknown fertility are two big issues that go hand in hand. They are there every day, all day. The strong emotions that these situations bring to the surface are very powerful and aren't easily shaken off. Add to that recipe my father's unexpected death, as well as other pressing private issues I don't discuss here, and I think I'm entitled to have a really bad day once in a while.
I never said that grief was pretty. It's not. It's a horrible, horrible feeling and everyone handles it differently. Most days, I juggle the emotions pretty well, keeping all of them in the air simultaneously, all with a big smile on my face. Some days, however, I lose my coordination and those balls come crashing down at once. Those are the days that are as bad as it gets when you're grieving heavily.
Again, I can't apologize about how I feel. It is what it is.
Long story short, I've had enough of the hostility and don't want it to continue here. My bad day was several days ago and is over and done, so I won't allow a stranger to get us all riled up instead of just letting it go.
At September 17, 2006 11:50 PM,
msfitzita said…
Sherry, I'm so sorry that I contributed to the unpleasantness in your private little space here in blogland. I will cease and desist immediately. I promise.
Well, after this (((((HUG)))), anyway.
:) <----- and this smiley face.
At September 18, 2006 11:04 AM,
Anam Cara said…
I'm sorry too.
At September 18, 2006 11:52 AM,
kate said…
nothing else to add, just sending more (((((hugs)))))
At September 18, 2006 1:27 PM,
Laura said…
Hugs from me too. I didn't realize that all of that was going on, I haven't been keeping caught up very well lately. Yuck, I'm so sorry.
At September 18, 2006 3:47 PM,
delphi said…
It's a fine line between supporting and causing more unpleasantness.
You are *so* right - enough with the bashing and back to the supporting. My apologies if my comments helped the issue to persist.
Much love to you.
At September 21, 2006 9:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sher Im soooo sorry if my comment offended or upset you deeper, that was not my intention at all and I deeply regret and hurt or anger I may have caused. I care very greatly for you my friend and I guess I let my emotions get the better of me when defending someone I care about. ((((((HUGS))))
At September 25, 2006 6:13 PM,
Julian's Mom said…
I'm sorry I just found out about your blog and missed out on the earlier excitement. I also had someone anonymously comment on my blog a while ago. Not as nasty as The Troll, but not anything I wanted or needed to hear. It was great to have the support of this community when others dare to attack us about our own feelings of all things. I'm sorry for the loss of your son and am interested in what you have to say. My son died in 12/04 of a heart condition and I have a 2 month old healthy daughter.
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