Ryan was here ...

My not-so-sweet nothings, mostly comprised of my feelings at losing my two-day-old son, Ryan David, to congenital heart defects, and to celebrate the arrival of Ryan's healthy little sister, Megan Elizabeth, and hopefully welcome another little miracle into our brood in July 2010.

Monday, September 18, 2006

A belated celebration

These pictures were taken during Ryan's special time a few weeks ago. I was especially happy and surprised because I happened to catch some of these pictures at just the perfect time. I couldn't have planned it any better!

My gardens endured an especially hot and dry summer, but I think most everything was salvaged. And I even got a few surprises.

The angel garden on the morning of Ryan's birthday. This ended up being a hodge-podge of a garden, but it's done very well. On the left I have blue morning glories and white moonflowers climbing the trellis. Along the back I have dusty millers, there's tons of white alysum throughout, white dianthus, a purple balloon flower, hens 'n' chicks (just to the left of the statue) and various types of creeping plants. The tree behind the cherub statue (center) is a Kouza White Dogwood, which blooms in late spring. Most of the colors in this garden are white and blue, except for a few stubborn red and pink begonias from three years ago. After they re-established themselves so well, I didn't have the heart to move them.

My angel face rose - which hadn't bloomed in nearly two months due to the extreme heat - had three blooms that opened on his birthday. They smelled so wonderful that I was tempted to snip off one bloom and bring it inside, but I just couldn't bear to do it. They were perfect just the way they were.

A close-up of a morning glory with a little visitor.

Ryan's tree has been doing well, but I was so happy to see a new baby branch (the redder area) emerge during his special week.

A beautiful orchid and an arrangement of roses that friends sent.

This is Tumbleweed, an eastern screech owl. He was injured (possibly hit by a car), but rescued and rehabilitated at the Carolina Raptor Center. A good friend and her Bug "adopted" Tumbleweed in Ryan's name. He's a tiny little bird, but it's obvious by looking at him that he's a fighter - just as Ryan was.

Here's the one normal thing I did for Ryan on his birthday. I wasn't sure how it would turn out, but I think a set of tiny hands might have had a pretty good time diving into that frosted goodness.


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